How to successfully pass BC.Game KYC Verification
Mastering the KYC (Know Your Customer) validation protocol at BC.Game is pivotal for unleashing the full spectrum of functionalities and offerings on the platform. Below is an elucidated directive for locating the KYC segment within the user interface and consummating the authentication with efficacy.
- Initiate access to your portfolio. Employ your unique credentials to gain entry into your BC.Game portfolio.
- Transition to account configurations. Post-entry, scout for the account or silhouette emblem, typically positioned at the zenith right quadrant of the primary interface. A click here unfurls a dropdown menu.
- Traverse to the “Global Setting” compartment. Within the cascade of options, seek an inscription akin to “Global Setting” followed by “Verify Setup”. This alcove is the sanctum for the KYC undertakings.
- Embark on the KYC. Opting for the verification passage propels you into a realm or sequence of realms delineating the requisite strides and documentation for authentication fulfillment.
Basic information
Commence by meticulously entering your complete legal name, nativity date, and domicile coordinates as delineated on your identification credentials. It is imperative to eliminate any deviations or orthographic missteps.
- Necessities. Furnish your unabridged lawful name, date of inception, and extant living quarters’ address. These particulars must mirror those inscribed on your identification papers precisely.
- Guidance. Rigorously scrutinize for typographical blunders or inaccuracies. Disparities between the proffered data and your documentation may precipitate postponements or nonacceptances in the KYC trajectory.
Identity document
Proceed to upload a distinct scan or photograph of an unexpired, official identification document (such as a passport, driver’s permit, or national identification card). This document must clearly display your full name, birth date, likeness, and the expiry date.
- Requirements. An unambiguous and legitimate state-sanctioned identification showcasing your portrait, name, genesis date, and a termination date. Commonly accepted documents encompass passports, driving licenses, or national identification cards.
- Advisories. Verify the document’s validity, ensuring it has not surpassed its expiration. The entirety of the document should be comprehensively captured in the image, ensuring no segments are truncated or concealed. High-definition imagery is recommended to avert potential hold-ups.
Proof of residence
Furnish a contemporary document (issued within the prior triad of months) that corroborates your habitation. Permissible documents encompass utility invoices, financial statements, or any formal document that lucidly exhibits your nomenclature and abode.
- Requisites. A document, not surpassing a quarter year in age, that lucidly delineates your designation and domicile. This might be a utility invoice, financial institution declaration, or any formal missive from a recognized body.
- Counsels: Digital renditions are typically sanctioned. yet ensure the entire document is visible without cropping, showcasing all quadrants. The document’s recency is crucial for its validity, and it must align with the domicile detailed in your foundational data.
The correct photo
Execute a photograph wherein you are clasping your identification along with a handwritten memorandum that inscribes “BC.Game”, your pseudonym, and the extant date. It is vital that your visage, the identification, and the scribbled note are distinctly perceptible.
- Demands. A self-portrait with you brandishing your identification credential and a script. The inscription must enfold “BC.Game”, your alias, and the day’s date. This imagery is pivotal for corroborating your identity in juxtaposition with the tendered documents and affirming the submission’s authenticity by the bona fide document possessor.
- Suggestions. Opt for an ambiance with ample illumination where your countenance is unambiguously discernible — abstain from headgear, dark glasses, or any paraphernalia that conceals your features. The identification and notation ought to be readable in the image. Ascertain that your script is legible, displaying all mandated data with precision.

Last used 6 minutes ago
How long does it take to moderate and verify an account
At BC.Game, the process of KYC account verification is designed with the user’s convenience and security in mind. Generally, the moderation and verification of an account can be impressively swift, often completed within just a few minutes.
- This expedited process is possible due to the platform’s advanced verification systems, which streamline the confirmation of your identity and relevant details, ensuring a smooth and secure gaming experience.
- Once you’ve registered, you might need to undergo additional verification steps, especially when engaging in certain transactions or withdrawing funds. This is a standard practice across the industry to comply with regulatory requirements and enhance security.
- For users looking to withdraw large amounts or when there’s suspicious account activity, BC.Game may perform additional checks to verify the legitimacy of the transactions. These checks are part of BC.Game’s commitment to ensuring a safe and fair gaming environment.

Last used 6 minutes ago
Common mistakes in KYC verification at BC.Game
In the realm of BC.Game’s Know Your Customer (KYC) protocol, akin to numerous digital gaming arenas, certain prevalent oversights can encumber or convolute the verification odyssey. Grasping these snags can facilitate a more streamlined, expedited KYC engagement. Highlighted below are pivotal missteps to eschew.
- Unfilled applications. A common lapse entails neglecting to complete the KYC questionnaire in its totality. Each segment is pivotal, and omissions can impede progress.
- Utilization of obsolete or invalid credentials. For KYC, all documentation must be contemporaneous and legitimate. Utilizing defunct identifications thwarts identity validation, engendering avoidable postponements.
- Submission of imprecise document replicas. In document submission, clarity and legibility are paramount. Indistinct or pixelated replicas that veil requisite details may necessitate re-submission, thereby extending the verification span.
- Discrepancies in proffered data. The particulars furnished during KYC ought to mirror those in your BC.Game dossier. Any variance might trigger scrutiny and decelerate the validation process.
- Presentation of modified documents. Indications of alterations or modifications in the proffered documents can lead to outright rejection of the verification. Always provide authentic, unmodified documents or their unaltered photographs.
- Overlooking supplementary inquiries. BC.Game may occasionally solicit additional elucidations or documents for clarification. Ignoring these entreaties can significantly prolong the process.
- Failure to ascertain acceptable document types. Confirm that the document species you submit are sanctioned by BC.Game for KYC. Inadmissible documents will not be considered, causing delays.
- Omission of emailauthentication. Some participants neglect the email confirmation step during account setup, a crucial precursor for KYC. Ensuring prompt email verification can avert unnecessary hindrances.
- Erroneous document selection for verification phases. Diverse verification stages may demand distinct document types (for instance, a domicile bill for address corroboration versus a passport for identity verification). Erroneous document provision for a specific phase can lead to obstructions.